Today’s Meetings:

The Twelve Step House, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-profit Florida Corporation that is not affiliated with any 12 step program. It is owned by its members and rents meeting space to Twelve Step Program based meetings. The Twelve Step House has been doing this since 1949. Located in Fort Lauderdale (Broward County), Florida, the Twelve Step House was Chartered in 1951, and continues to provide a sober and clean environment for fellowship and activities. Please join us!

The Twelve Step House hosts meetings from a variety of anonymous 12 step fellowships. People visit the clubhouse to attend meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Nicotine Anonymous and Al-Anon (for those effected by the drinking of others). Please view our schedule to find meeting times. Members of all fellowships are welcomed at the Twelve Step House, and membership to the clubhouse is not fellowship restrictive.

12 Step House Broward County Florida